Your Copperdot Leather bag will last a lifetime. In fact, your bag will get better with age. You can be assured that we have carefully selected hides that will be extremely long-wearing and take on that 'to-die-for' broken in quality. By purchasing a Copperdot Leather bag you are saying no to the Consume & Toss model that is ruining the fashion industry.
In our small workshop in Jackson Hole we spend a lot of time sourcing the best quality US leathers that you will not find in larger manufacturing operations. While we select our hides for consistency in color, texture, gauge, and finish, our greater concern is how the leather will wear. You can be assured that we have carefully selected hides that will be extremely long wearing and take on a quality that only luxury leathers can.
Think Marlboro Man’s chaps. Yes, we use actual chap leather, the same M-Man is wearing as he gazes over the cattle off into the sunset… but wait! He turns and glances back at you, then your bag, and says, ‘where’d’ya get that bag?’ Those were the first words he has uttered to a human in 129 days! You, your Copperdot, caught silent M-Man’s attention. Not bad.
Photo by: Della Frederickson @dellpickles